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doctoral programme in heritage studies, jointly developed by

University of Évora (UÉ) and University of Lisbon (UL) | [2014/2017]

doctoral programme in heritage studies, jointly developed by

HERITAS – Heritage Studies is a new doctoral programme in heritage studies, jointly developed by the University of Évora (UÉ) and the University of Lisbon (UL) witch evolves a series of its research units. The programme is supported by a group of accredited doctoral A3ES cycles that combine courses in Architecture (UÉ), Fine Arts – Specialisation in Museology, Conservation and Restoration, Sciences of Art (UL), History (UÉ) and Art History (UÉ).



The PhD programmme HERITAS involves the following research units and institutions:

  • CFA | Centre for Atomic Physics (UL) | [http://cfa.cii.fc.ul.pt];
  • CHAIA | Centre for the History of Art and Artistic Research (UÉ) | [www.chaia.uevora.pt];
  • CIDEHUS |Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Cultures and Societies (UÉ) | [www. cidehus.uevora.pt];
  • Cieba | Centre for Research and Studies in Fine Arts (FBA/UL) | [http://cieba.fba.ul.pt];
  • FBAUL | Faculty of Fine Arts (UL) | [http://www.fba.ul.pt];
  • HERCULES | Cultural Heritage, Studies and Safeguarding (UÉ) | [www.hercules.uevora.pt].


The valorisation and preservation of cultural heritage should be regarded as a research that pursuits a sustainable development. The doctoral program HERITAS aims to be a decisive contribution in this sense, through the strengthening and consolidation of the scientific knowledge and the technological potential of the Consortium PhD programs in the field of cultural heritage and of the development and implementation of integrated strategies of valorisation and promotion of this heritage.



The HERITAS doctoral programme aims to create and fix a common language to put in dialogue the various branches of specialization: History, History of Art, Architecture, Museology, Conservation and Restoration and Heritage Sciences. The need of a common language framework convention between historians, conservators, architects and scientists it is widely felt in the Cultural Heritage studies, because the increasing development of analytical techniques requires the convergence of the scientific areas involved to provide new and better answers and solutions to historical problems and to heritage conservation and management.


The transdisciplinary nature of the programme aims to:

(A) allow students to contact various experts of each subject and acquire a comprehensive knowledge;

(B) offer a multidisciplinary knowledge experience and allow a sustainability and enhancement approach to all partners of the Consortium, including affiliate partners, national and international;

(C) ensure a technical knowledge of all kinds of cutting-edge technology equipment needed;

(D) promote skills to overcome national or local borders and confront different mentalities;

(E) allow students to acquire professional skills and facilitate the transition to the labour market.


The HERITAS program will provide the PhD student of knowledge and tools that will enable him to carry out independent and validated scientific work in the areas of tangible and intangible heritage, and to play an active role in research forums and transdisciplinary teams, critically evaluating and integrating scientific discoveries.


The HERITAS program also seeks to overcome some training needs identified by museological institutions throughout Europe, providing advanced training opportunities to senior management, to upgrade their skills in the study, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage.



•          UE - University of Évora (www.uevora.pt).

•          UL - University of Lisbon (www.ulisboa.pt).


HOST CONDITIONS (Organic Units and of R&D participants)

• CFA – Centre for Atomic Physics (UL), [http://cfa.cii.fc.ul.pt];

• CHAIA – Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research (UÉ), [www.chaia.uevora.pt];

• CIDEHUS – Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Culture and Societies (UÉ), [www. cidehus.uevora.pt];

• CIEBA – Centre for Research and Studies in Fine Arts (FBA/UL), [http://cieba.fba.ul.pt];

• FBAUL – Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, [http://www.fba.ul.pt];

• HERCULES – Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard (UÉ), [www.hercules.uevora.pt].



The HERITAS doctoral program consists on a curriculum supplement to the scientific profile of the PhD programmes that integrate the consortium, cumulative to each curricular structure, in order to give specific skills in Cultural Heritage to its students.


Students must be registered in the PhD programmes of the consortium:

Architecture (UÉ)


Fine Arts – Specialisation in Museology, Conservation and Restoration, Sciences of Art (UL)


History (UÉ)


Art History (UÉ)




The curriculum supplement has a flexible structure and can be achieved by the following ways:

1. Thesis co-supervision;

2. Curriculum modules co-teaching;

3. Circulation of students to attend specific seminars in other PhD programs of the consortium;

4. Summer short course (60 contact hours) focus on Fundamental of Applied Sciences in Cultural Heritage, applied to the material knowledge of objects and structures (2nd semester);

5. Inter-disciplinary seminar (18 contact hours) focus on heritage theory, enhancement and safeguard (3rd semester);

6. Students Seminar (6 contact hours) dedicated to the presentation of PhD thesis (4th semester).



On terms 1, 3, 4 and 5, in the end of the first semester, the Steering Committee of the HERITAS PhD programme and the PhD supervisors will evaluate the thesis themes proposed by the students and decide which or whom is or are most appropriate to each one. The addition of seminars and/or of the summer school to the doctoral programmes curricula will be certified by a diploma supplement.


During the programme, all students are encouraged to make oral or poster presentations in conferences approved by the PhD supervisors and to publish original works (articles, books, chapters of books) that will be ranked by the Steering Committee according to the Universities evaluation criteria.


The obtaining of the curricular supplement will be certified by a HERITAS supplement to the diploma of each doctoral program.



Paulo Simões Rodrigues



António Candeias (HERCULES/UÉ)

Fernando António Baptista Pereira (CIEBA/FBA/UL)

Filipe Themudo Barata (CIDEHUS/UÉ)

Maria Luísa Carvalho (CFA/FC/UL)

Marta Manso (FBA/UL)

Paulo Simões Rodrigues (CHAIA/UÉ)



Rene Van Grieken (University of Gent, Belgium)


Hugh Denard  (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)


Manfred Schreine (Institute of Science and Technology in Art (ISTA), Academy of Fine Arts Viena, Austria)




Alda Pessanha de Sousa (CFA/FC/UL)

Alice Nogueira Alves (CIEBA/FBA/UL)

Ana Cardoso Matos (CIDEHUS/UÉ)

Ana Teresa Caldeira (HERCULES/UÉ)

António Candeias (HERCULES/UÉ)

Aurora Carapinha (CHAIA/UÉ)

Cristina Dias (HERCULES/UÉ)

Eduardo Duarte (FBA/UL)

Fernando António Baptista Pereira (CIEBA/FBA/UL)

Fernando Branco Correia (CIDEHUS/UÉ)

Filipe Themudo Barata (CIDEHUS/UÉ)

João Carlos Brígola (CIDEHUS/UÉ)

João Queiroz (CIEBA/FBA/UL)

João Soares (CHAIA/UÉ)

Jorge Almeida Sampaio (CFA/FC/UL)

José Alberto Machado (CHAIA/UÉ)

José Mirão (HERCULES/UÉ)

José Sousa Ramos (CIEBA/FBA/UL)

Luís Gonçalves (FBA/UL)

Luísa Arruda (CIEBA/FBA/UL)

Maria Alexandra Gago da Câmara (CHAIA/UE, UAb)

Maria Antónia Fialho Conde (CIDEHUS/UÉ)

Maria Eduarda Araújo (CFA/FC/UL)

Maria Luísa Carvalho (CFA/FC/UL)

Marta Manso (FBA/UL)  

Mauro Guerra (CFA/FC/UL)

Nicola Schiavon (HERCULES/UÉ)

Paulo Simões Rodrigues (CHAIA/UÉ)

Rui Oliveira Lopes (CIEBA/FBA/UL)


HERITAS is based on a strong and innovative multidisciplinary structure. The programme aims to provide an integrated platform that will allow students, in accordance with the specificities of their respective doctoral theses, to enhance and theoretically sustain the valorisation of their object of study and to improve their knowledge on its material nature, as well as to acquire new skills and expertise in accordance with the specificities of each doctoral thesis.


FCT Doctoral Program

UNESCO Chair Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-how: Linking Heritage (University of Évora).

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